Thursday, December 30, 2010

Crusing Places For Gays In Calcutta


sprint .
looking stuff together, load bars, batteries, magazines buy, pack our bags.

Tomorrow we looooos to New York)
(And the fear of the 9 hour flight is always larger)

There are a few things that I now really want to in New York:

Over Knee Socks white leather Chucks, beautiful hair bands and of course a IloveNY-sweater.
And just the things I buy anyway: Bags, shoes, pants, tops, and one probably Cardis ne jacket.

But why do I actually make the post:

Who was ever in NY and can give me good restaurants, cafes, bars ... Sights (other than the standard stuff) and mainly SHOPPING! (Flea markets, shopping centers, say shops recommend ....) /?

I would be very very happy to help:)

(Btw: I have free internet in the 2nd hotel, that is, one probably from January 1, something I post;)).

Until then I wish you a happy new year and happy new year.

We are writing next year :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wedding Dance For Warband?

welcome to my wardrobe

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H & M. € 35

Monday, December 27, 2010

Why Did My Cervical Mucus Stop


Swimming: until last week 3 times a week, now 2 weeks of Christmas break, the bathroom was closed and I'm going to Bederkesa This year, do not
the date had an orthopedist before last week, also digested first, a bone appendage of the ankle ensures that I can the feet of stretch, all the elongation test were of so doomed to fail from the start to, surgery is possible in principle, the orthopedic surgeon advises But much depends on success is questionable and the training failure would be substantial.
I must accept the simple swimming weakness - ie power saving technique is the motto ;-)

wheel: not just because of the weather, the studded tires are mounted on ice and also really great, but in deeper snow is not very mobile, so last week now BUT `ne 3-hour roller unit and this week, very probably, otherwise a lot of strength, strength endurance and technique on the role in more than 1.5 h units

run: because of the weather are controlled speed units currently simply impossible, but I am off this week for the Tabata intervals or intermittent simply looking for a reasonably snow-and ice-free part of the way and up to need and run down, the Garmin also makes a more accurate track record possible, otherwise I have the chains concerned for the shoes, the "Yaktrax" can also be relatively well running on packed snow and icy conditions to.

strength and stability: 2 more 3 times a week about it, even if I Barbell supply them, and perhaps kettlebell to and / or the Log me in the studio, which would have the advantage that I could on the treadmill, I think I'm writing no later than next week.

Whether I participate in a New Year's run, I decide short term, tend to compete rather not. posten

Hope again in future to be able to ....

Garretts Popcorn And Cheese Recipe

4 days left

Such were my last days of:

third Part of Narnia in 3D on Saturday (you can see, you have not) enjoy

an amazing Sunday morning breakfast.

Sunday afternoon enjoying the fresh snow.

today bought a few things in the city.
(headband & ear warmers: NYer / / wallet: I am)

What have you done so over the holidays?

Friday, December 24, 2010

Multiplayer Patch Port Royal 2

Mobilblog - Weihnachten und so

I just wanted to quickly and briefly Merry Christmas wish. I hope you have a few relaxing and beautiful days & Gifts
Yes the pictures are real bad but you can see Well, more or less hers already, or;)
up so soon:)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Someone Wins Cubefield

Mobilblog - 10 days left

I'm sorry but I must also be a Proll times.
Today is our second boost came in dollars and in 10 days, I'm finally on the way to NEW YORK
I still can not believe I'm looking sooo huge

I buy a MacBook before me in there, says
you it's worth it?
know is there anyone out with?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tamil Translator Software

12 days left

So I saw on Thursday for the Christmas meal in the kindergarten.
I do not know why the second picture is so blurry ...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

10th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver Metal

slightly different hat

A woven bracelet with a gepimpften middle.

and you can see the track you come to the PDF file.

My contribution to the Advent Calendar Forum Perlenhä

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Malaria Symptoms Long Term Symptoms

15 days left

Jumper: New H & M

Monday, December 13, 2010

Driver Ven_10de&dev_0269&subsys_30b7103c

18 days left

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pot Lights And High Ceilings

get outta my way

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Everything is new. (5)
Primark via Ebay (18)
Artdeco Mint
Mango (has opened new to us) (40)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

How To Tell If A Scorpian Man Is Still Interested

Blog of the Month: Dezember

not So these two Swedes.
Perfect Absolutely.
staggeringly beautiful ladies, drop dead gorgeous outfits and especially stunning beautiful photos!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Definity Tires Hx700 Survey


Today I used the day off to, inter alia, 3 hours with the Crosser road to go. It just arrived, I tested the tires from Schwalbe (CX Comp). Is really great, rolls well on "free" pieces, he has good grip on snow, ice, only to be `s problematic (for I have to wait a little on the studded tires).

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Is Denise Milanitopless Avilable

Small update

Here is an overview of my current fitness level:

Swimming comes units moderately at the moment a bit in short, more than twice a week is not it, if, then, as planned, highly stressed engineering, barely more than 100m times in a row

wheel: as yet no long roll unit ;-), got `s for the 3 would be far more done on the road, last Week was already borderline because of the weather, studded tires and snow tires for the Cross are on order. Tomorrow I try again, the average mileage is, of course with the slippery conditions dramatically down, but it is vonb sufficiently low intensity, perfect fat metabolism training!

Running: 100/100 tended by almost daily again, but I've grown accustomed to things REALLY loose to run loose, often 6min/km-Pace direction, but Sun
The Tabata I mahce for about 6 weeks are really tough, eight times I've never packed, seven was the greatest feeling. At the moment the Tabata go to the But non-road! The risk of falls is too great, I'm sure today submaximal run 400, but even that was already borderline smooth.
What I do not like that I am hard for me falls into the tempo really matters to torture, but the concept with the polarized training goes on quite well.

other: do as often as possible stability and power units, the weight is already down slightly. Otherwise, the orthopedist appointment next week and am curious if there is hope for my built-in floating brake (the feet)!

Bruising And Pain In Back After Fall

guess what?!

H & M Stuff.
time again.

What not will retain:

Too expensive. (20)

also too expensive. (40)

What was retained:

The sweater I was not sure because he did not sound like no ....

with scarf and for 10 € but already he is a real bargain.

Incredibly great bra. With or without a carrier. For only 10 €

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I love this jacket, I can wear all day, because of the soft and warm fur. Although 35 € not just a little but it had to be simple;)

And now you know what question is yes;)

like what you what is not?