Continue The last few weeks, yes, sometimes excluding the sick days, devoted to running.
In October so far only run units. Today, there `s the first wheel unit, loose through the sun-soaked 50km Cuxland, the trip was after the meeting on the work it urgently.
Today could also celebrate their Forerunner Bicycle premiere. I have my bike speedometer eventually "told" that the wheel circumference is 2.085 m, which I had once measured times, 2.133 m on the set I did not want to leave me so well.
:.... And the GPS measurement confirmed my suspicion that come out almost exactly 2.085, had only 200 more in the GPS measurement.
to work: the common cold has me already thrown back a little but not enough, last week again a TDL direction 90% MHR, just over 4:30 min / km, yesterday 10x400m so in the 3km-5km tempo.
will probably run on Sunday in Loxstedt NEN `10, sub 45 are definitely in there, make me as not too much pressure, the level is at this early stage already higher than in recent years.